Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day #3 Legoland

The 3rd and final day we were in California we went to Legoland.  Jeff's family had already headed home so it was just G, Jeff, and I.  Poor Jeff got really sick about half way through day#2 at Disney and still felt horrible at Legoland.  He didn't do anything but take pictures of G and I and sit on benches as we rode rides and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly.  Poor guy :(  Other than Jeff being really sick we had a great day and enjoyed the crazy awesomeness of Legoland!

Poor Jeff was lagging least he was taking pictures :)

Here we go!
We were about to go on a very scary dragon roller coaster :)

The scary dragon

The scary roller coaster

And the dragon face painting G needed after all that dragon talk

Making sure it was exactly what he wanted :)

Looking good!


As the day wore on G's dragon lost a bit of it's scary factor

And just looked more like the dirty face of a cute boy :)

Sweet Jeff's face most of the day :(  Poor guy

4-D fun...(although the movie was seriously the dumbest thing I have ever least G like it)

G found a surfer lego guy that he said looked just like him!

And so they surfed...

and surfed :)

Where to next?

G couldn't help himself but to try and fight with Chewbacca :)

A ginormous StarWars ship made out of tiny lego's!  Unreal!

G was pretty impressed

Although he wasn't super impressed with the pilot...I don't think the pilot looked fierce enough 

 I won't post a caption for every single picture here, but miniland USA was simply amazing!  We spent tons of time just walking around and looking at all the amazing detail and accuracy and wondering how long it took them to put together all those tiny pieces together!!!!

G LOVES Yoda!!

I feel a connection with Princess Leia...maybe it's the buns :)

Again punching lego figures

Fun with my son :)
 Whew that was a lot of fun packed into to 3 LONG days.  We were more than ready to hop on the plane the next day and head to NM to my family!!  

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