Saturday, August 31, 2013

Friends, Friends, and more Friends!

So I am ridiculously behind in my blogging ventures.  I'm still catching up from our trip to the States which we have been home for over a month!  To my defense, uploading pictures to facebook or my blog is daunting unless it's only 1 picture at a time.  Our internet works but that's about it, uploading or streaming takes forever, so to upload blog pictures takes much effort and time...both I have been lacking lately :)  So even though these next couple of post are late,  I definitely need to document these sweet times and people in our lives!

We met this group of friends through church when we first moved to Colorado and have been friends ever since.  The more kids we all have, the less we see each other, but it's always so fun to get together when we do!  We miss them all so much and were so thankful to get to see everyone when we were home even for just an afternoon!

Seriously, some of Gentry's favorite people!  Tink and Bode!!  

This was the first time we spent time with Bode that he got to participate with the older kids, and G loved this little sword swinging guy!

G teaching Tink to jump of the wall to the pool...way to be a good example buddy!

The epitmy of peer pressure, stand strong Tink!

Shamu proved to be an essential participant in the pool.

The boys planning their attack!

My dear friend Kenz and her cute baby boy who looks like he belongs in our family :)  We will take him anytime!

They played for hours!

G loved being the big kid and pulling Tink and Bode around :)

More driving around the pool

All aboard!

I love their sweet smiles :)

Bode hung with the older kids all day.

Ethan is getting so big!!


Look at those cute kids!

Flying babies, swimming Shamu's, and lot's of cute kiddos!

Even Nemo came to hang out!

1...2...3  Jump!

Mason enjoying some treats!

Mason enjoying more the pool!

Practicing the back stroke.

Hopefully Eric doesn't see all these pictures of kids eating snacks in his pool...

Top view

The party moved inside to play with legos.

Of course we always joke that these two will get married, but even if they don't they really are such sweet friends and G loves his little Tink!

When we all started hanging out, G was the only kid and had just turned 1!

Bode's sweet face after he gave us all a scare in the pool!
Towards the end of our pool time Mr. Bodes decided to take a jump in the pool with his hooded towel.  Of course his momma jumped in to get him right away.  When she brought him up out of the water his towel was over his face and it made me so nervous I ended up jumping in the pool after her.  This all happened in the span of about 3 seconds, so I'm not exactly sure that Kenz needed me, but it was one of those spolit second mom urges and I just reacted.  I'm pretty sure I must have looked like a Saturday Night Live skit character frantically jumping in the water and flailing around, acting as if I'm helping when in reality I was just over reacting, but regardless it satisfied the mom panic urge in me.  Kenz and everyone there were really gracious and acted as if I actually helped, but I'm well aware that it was probably really funny to watch me sprint by the pool and jump in with clothes on attempting to save a little one that was already being saved :)  Thanks for being good friends, and not laughing to my face guys :)
We were so excited Bode was okay!

But don't let it happen again Mister B!

Rachel, Mackenzie, me, and Brianne!  Courtney already left so she missed the photo op!

Then the party moved to the park.

Making devious plans :)


I don't know what Cameron told her, but I think it hurt her feelings, look at that lip!

Baseball with Gramps

Gentry and his Minions :)

Adult conversations!

Then it was time to build tents in the living room!

Again, Gentry ordering his Minions around!  (Seriously guys I'm so sorry if he was bossing the kids around!)

Intense sword fighting spontaneously busted out :)

After spending time with Bode, Gentry told us he really wanted a little brother, and in fact he thought we should probably adopt Bode to be in our family cause "he's a good little guy".  If you know my son, you know how much he DOESN'T want any sibilings so that's saying something!

Chaos with kids!

Cute Mikayla :)

There's nothing like a good fort in the living room!

Mason building some train tracks.

If we did adopt Bode, he certainly looks like he could be G's little brother!

Saying good bye to his favorite "girlfriend, but not like a marry girlfriend, just a friend and she's a girl" Tink :)

1 comment:

Mackenzie Turrill said...

Oh my goodness Ash. I love these. SO SO many great shots. I'm laughing and tearing up a little..miss you guys. Thanks for posting. Xoxoxo