Monday, November 17, 2008

Story of the Day... (Big Sigh)

As you can imagine our house is beyond crazy with four kiddos running around, and today was no different.  Jeff was still at work, Tandi was getting ready for work, and I was trying to bath the four kids.  Gentry and Olivia were sitting on the couch reading a book, waiting to be called into the bathroom.  Christian was in the shower, and Nate was going to the bathroom getting ready to get in the shower.  I turned around to get Christian out of the shower only see Nate drop his matchbox car into the toilet while standing there.  Since I was in the middle of showers, I figured I would wait until I got them all out of the bathroom and then take care of the car in the toilet with Nate's pee!  (I told him not to flush so we wouldn't have a plumber bill tomorrow!)  

I finished bathing all the kids, brushed their teeth, and began reading when Jeff walked in.  He stumbled upon the car himself, but didn't retrieve right away either.  The night went on, we read, kids went to the bathroom before bed (at this point I had forgotten about the car!), and we put them to bed.  

As we were sitting watching dancing with the stars and I remembered the car...

Ashlie:  Jeff did you get the car out of the toilet?

Jeff:  No, did you?

Ashlie:  No, that's a boys job.

Jeff:  I can't believe you just left a car in the toilet all day until I got home, so I would have to get it out!

Ashlie:  I didn't it happened when I was giving the kids showers, and I just thought I would wait until all the kids were out of the bathroom, and I forgot about it.

Jeff:  You owe me. 

(Jeff walks down the hall and from the bathroom yells, oh no, no, no, and no, this is not going to happen!  Walks back in the living room with a look of disbelief.  I thought the kids had flushed it.)

Jeff:  Now the car is covered in poop.  I have to get the car, and it's under someone's poop.  One of the kids seriously pooped, and now I have to get the car!

Sad for him, but seriously if you could of only seen how hard and long I laughed at the fact Jeff had to go car fishing in the toilet with poop!  It was a night full of laughter, even though it was really grouse!  I had to keep laughing, since the other part of me wanted to cry because I can't believe this is really my life!  

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!!!! Life with kids is always an adventure. Adam would have flipped out but I would have definitely made him do it too. There's no way I would have even attempted it. One time Asher put a car in the toliet and there was only water in it, but the thought of sticking my hand inside a toliet really grossed me out. You have to call me and tell me more stories like this so I can laugh with you!