Friday, February 8, 2013

Poetry Time!

I am really loving home school with G.  It's so fun to learn with him and I absolutely love our flexible schedule.  The beach is a great bargaining tool, it helps me get through school every single day :)  

Tuesday afternoons we have poetry.  For this unit Gentry is writing poetry focused on himself.   I'm all about him learning to self-explore, express himself, figure himself out, and be able to communicate to Jeff and I about who he is and what he needs.  The more he learns about himself the more we can learn about him and be better parents to him and love him more everyday, at least that's the hope in this whole parenting thing!  What I am a counselor or something?  I thought this exercise was so fun, his answers are very typical of him and it was sweet to see what things he would compare himself to.  There was another lesson along with this, something like similes blah blah blah, but I enjoyed the self introspection more that that.  

His list is as follows:

quick as a mountain lion
slow as a mouse
small as a wolf
large as an eagle
happy as a butterfly
sad as a cat
nice as Wyatt
mean as a knife
cold as fall
hot as a pool
weak as John Cena (WWF wrestler)
strong as The Miz (also WWF wrestler)
loud as myself
quiet as a pencil
tough as Wolverine (not the animal, the xmen)
gentle as a bed
brave as Spiderman/Soldier
shy as a flower
tame as mom
wild as Molly Paws
lazy as dogs
busy as a squirrel

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