Thursday, October 30, 2008

Favorite Conversation of the Day...

Gentry has recently taken an interest in his hair and how it looks. So for the last couple of days he has wondered out of the bathroom, hair literally standing on end.

Mom: "Gentry what did you put in your hair?"

Gentry: "Mom I just put some soap in it to make it wook (look) good, like my daddy's"

Mom: "Well next time you want to do your hair come and tell me, and I will let you put gel in your hair instead of soap. Please don't put soap in your hair anymore, okay"

Gentry: "Okay mom, The Lord is my helper, and I will not put soap in my hair"

I am not sure where his thought process comes from, but I am absolutely loving it! He has been really funny lately and I wish I could press the pause button on him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO FUN! I'm so glad that you are taking the time to record these little glimpses of him... so so precious!