Sunday, April 26, 2009

Super-Hero Day!!

Two years ago we started a tradition at Easter.  In some of Gentry's eggs, we put little coupons for him.  The coupons are just different outings, special treats, or special time that he would enjoy.  This year the coupons included: Golf time with dad, Family Nerf Gun War, A movie date with mom and dad, Rockies Game, An afternoon baking Gentry's choice of cookies with mom, and a Super-Hero Dress up Day.

Friday Gentry decided he wanted to use his super-hero dress up day, and so I braved the world of super-heros and dressed up with my little man.  He actually helped me pick out my outfit for the day and was so excited to introduce me as "cat gurl (girl)"  

I can't explain the sheer joy that he had when I walked out of my room!  He was beyond excited and honestly I don't think I have ever done anything for him that he enjoyed more than me dressing up with him!  All morning we played spiderman and "cat gurl"!  I wrestled, jumped on the trampoline doing "kung foo kicks", spun ropes (I was not allowed to spin webs, "only spidey can do that!"), and any other super-hero game Gentry could come up with!  

Even though it was a little humiliating to be dressed like "cat gurl" all day, the excitement that Gentry had all day was more than enough to keep me playing his super-hero games all day!!! He even cried that evening when I took off my outfit because he wanted to "keep playing super-hero's with cat gurl" :(  That night we went to target (I wore sweats over "cat gurl"!) and Gentry told the lady checking us out "my mom is really "cat gurl")  Little did she know I really was that day! :)  



Friday, April 24, 2009

Spiderman says..."It's Buff Time!"

Tomorrow we are headed to the Buffs Spring game.  I told Gentry that we were going and he said he needed to go get his jersey ready.  I went in his room and this is what I found!  The boy not only laid out his jersey, but also his jeans, CU helmet, shoes, socks, cu football, and if you look closely he even put a pair of underwear in his little jeans!!!  Hilarious!!

He also informed me that spiderman will not be wearing his spidey costume anymore because "Spidey just needs to wear his Go CU Buff jersey now so he can't wear his spidey clothes anymore!"  I guess our character now is Spidey in a Buff uniform, doesn't get any better than that!!!  

Jeff's Birthday!!

Wednesday was Jeff's birthday!!!  He turned 26!! Sadly Jeff is gone this week in Atlanta for training so we didn't get to celebrate with him on his actual birthday.  Regardless Gentry and I went shopping for a birthday present and here is our adventure!! We didn't quite see eye to eye on what we should get Jeff, but I think Jeff will love it regardless! Just a note, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays I let Gentry pick out his clothes for the day.  Hence why he is dressed as Superman in public!  This video is of Gentry and I getting ready to go into the store, I love how he ends the birthday song with Amen!!!  

Even though we were there looking for Jeff some golf stuff, Gentry ventured over to the toys and was just convinced that Jeff had told him that he really wanted Spiderman for his birthday, so the debate started.  He seemed pretty sure of himself!!

After Gentry picked out Spiderman, I took him to the golf section just to see if I could change his mind, but no luck!  He was dead set on Spidey and so that's what Jeff got!  I did end up getting Jeff some other things but I let Gentry think that was Jeff's only birthday present!  He really wanted to open it right when we got home but it is currently still intact in the box waiting for Jeff to get home tonight to open.  Gentry can't wait for him to open it!!

We also had cupcakes to celebrate Jeff's birthday...I really just wanted an excuse for something sweet but G didn't seem to mind!  He kept singing happy birthday to Jeff while he was eating it so at least we were thinking of him!  Happy Birthday and we love you Jeff and can't wait to see you tonight!  

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Boy and his Monkey, it's a beautiful thing!

Yesterday we took a bike ride to the park and monkey came along!  I just had to take a couple of pictures because Gentry talked to him and played with him the whole time.  It was really sweet!  He was teaching monkey how to ride a bike, how to climb up the ladder, and how to slide.  He was so interested in teaching monkey how to play, I didn't have to go down the slide once!!!  It was sweet to just sit and watch G's little imagination at work, and I can't deny it was great to not have to play on the playground!

Favorite Conversation of the Day...Follow up from Yesterday!

Yesterday I mentioned we don't really talk about bodily functions, and today again the issue came up!!  Nate was sitting on the couch and told mom and I...

"My darts are really stinky"

He then laughed hysterically.  Mom and I just sat there looking at him and mom asked

"Nate what are your darts, what do you mean?"

Nate:  "Mom, my darts are really stinky"

We realized that he must have heard the word "farts" and thought it was "darts" so that is the word he uses!  We couldn't quit laughing and have decided that "darts" is our official new word for that bodily function!  Maybe it won't be as embarrassing in public if they say it!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Favorite Conversation of the Day...

I have tried to steer clear of making body parts, bodily functions, and all that goes with a big deal. In fact I don't really acknowledge bodily functions because I am afraid if I do they will become a big deal and no doubt appear sometime when I am public!  

Tonight I was reading a book to Gentry and there was a page all about Tigers.  Half way through the page Gentry let out...well a bodily function!  It was to say the least LOUD and I was pretty amazed it even came out of his little body!!!  I just stopped reading for a sec cause I was shocked!  He immediately looked up at me and said

"Mom, that was just my Tiger noise that came from inside of me.  Tigers can do that, and so can I cause I like Tigers"

He then turned right around to finish the book without even a smile!!!  I was dying!!!  I couldn't quit laughing, and he had no idea why because I never even acknowledge when he does that!!!  Oh boy, Oh boy, the sweet thoughts of kids!!!

Random Easter Pics!

1.   In the car on the way to church!
2.  Starting the morning off right with Easter pancakes!  
3.  Getting ready for the Easter Egg hunt in between rain showers!
4.  The the most important gift of the day, or so I was told...Pirate socks!!!  
5.  Easter pic with the Turrills! (Notice the difference between boys and girls even at such young ages!)

Easter with a Pirate

Gentry only liked his Easter outfit if he could wear his shirt untucked and unbuttoned because "that's how Capin Jack wears Easter clothes".  We finally got him to button up and tuck in but we had to let him parade around with a sword and pirate hat to make the clothes "aaahhh, better".

The tears we experienced when we broke his heart and told him he couldn't wear his hat or bring his sword to church!

The best picture we could get of all four, I love that G's tie is wet with tears over the loss of his hat and sword!  Well Gent, no one ever said it was easy being a pirate, especially on Easter!  I love you little pirate man!

Monday, April 13, 2009

As Good as it Get's!

This was the best family picture we could get Gentry to take on Easter!  If it's not my braces, it's my hair, it's a bad angle, or Jeff's eyes are closed, or......It's the stinkin PIRATE FACE that seems to never seems to leave the face of our sweet little boy!!!!  Someday oh someday we will have a good family pic, if it's the last thing I do!!!

The newest Scurvy Dog (and Youngest!)

Last Sunday, Ben, MacKenzie, and sweet Tink came over for some BFF hang out time!  At some point through the night Tink was initiated into the pirate club!!!  She proudly wore a pirate hat and even contemplated using a sword on the other three kiddos!  She was so cute!  Next visit she will learn A Pirate's Life for Me!  Olyvia was so excited to have another girl shipmate along!!!

After her adventures at sea, Miss Tink sat in Uncle Jeff's lap for some book time!  It was so sweet!  We love little pirate Tink!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Favorite Conversation of the Day...

Gentry:  "Mom I just can't get my webs to shoot out of my hands like spideyman, I can make the sound, but they just don't come out"

Later in the day...

Gentry was eating a brownie and had it all over his hands.

Gentry:  "Mom look I have sticky hands like the red spideyman so I can climb walls even if my webs don't work"

Gentry then proceeded to climb up the wall wiping brownie all over the walls, only to find his sticky hands didn't work either.  He was a sad camper!  I am just glad he is into climbing and not flying, I can't imagine what we would be dealing with then and how many trips to the ER that fascination would include!

Oh the imagination!

While driving home, I look back in the mirror to see Gentry with both hands up, socks on his hands, all while singing the batman song!  The only difference was he kept saying "Dun nun nun nun nun nun nun, dun nun nun nun nun...SOCKMAN!  He played sockman for about 45 minutes.  It was entertaining to say the least!!

Uncle Bubba and Aunt Koko!

While visiting my parents we also got a chance to drive over and spend some time with my brother and wife Nykol!  It was just great to see them but also really fun because little Gentry and Nate were beyond excited to spend time with them!!!  Nykol created superhero capes and Big Gentry brought out helmets, camouflage, and balls!  The pictures speak for themselves!!!  We couldn't get the boys to take a serious picture unless they got to make pirate faces, so that's as good as it got! The video is of Big Gentry and little Gentry playing hide and seek.  We had such a good time with them and wish we lived closer!  If we did, the boys would sleep so good!