Saturday, December 26, 2009


Here are pictures from our fun filled morning! I didn't get a picture of the yummy homemade cinnamon rolls that Jeff made but they were so delicious!!

Uncle Jeff playing Polly Pockets with Liv, he's so great :)

G got a spiderman shave kit, so put on a mustache for most of the morning :)

Tan was super excited about her UGG's :)

Jeff enjoyed some new ties, a new fedora, and a frame to put his diploma in!

Such a blessed little boy!

Transformers...expect nothing less little man!

The one gift that wasn't Polly Pockets :)

They couldn't wait to open presents!!!!

Santa brought G a Spidey "ScOOOter", he's been riding it around the house the last 2 days pretending he is a cop, since it's all snowy outside!

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