Thursday, December 3, 2009

Favorite Conversation of the Day...

Tonight we were driving home from Zoo Lights in Denver. The boys were talking about something with fire so I asked...

Mom: "Are you guys talking about something from a movie?"

(G's response was a little short and annoyed that I had interrupted their conversation)
G: "No mom we are only talking about dangerous stuff"

Mom: "Why are you guys talking about fire"

G: "Mom it's just dangerous stuff and you probably don't know about fire cause it's dangerous and only boys like dangerous stuff"

I was trying not to bust out laughing, but contained myself to allow the boys to talk about dangerous boy stuff like fire :) A little bit later I again tried to join in the conversation.

Mom: "G did you have tonight at Zoo Lights?"

G: "MOM!! We are only talking about dangerous stuff tonight, nothing else. Tomorrow we can talk about the other stuff"

Ha! He was so serious about the dangerous topic, so we appeased him and talked about tigers, fire, guns, and wolverine the rest of the way home. It was so funny and cute to see how he is becoming a little man! I love you sweet boy!!

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